Simoncini Cancer Therapy

Clinical case: Lung cancer
dr tullio simoncini

Clinical case: Lung cancer

The patient with pulmonary neoplasm of which we show the x-rays before (fig. 1) and after (fig. 2) the therapy with sodium bicarbonate is taken into my care at the end of 1983, before being operated on at the Istituto Regina Elena in Roma, where he was sent by another hospital.

The x-rays show a homogeneous thickening on the regular lower margins and at the upper vanished margin located in correspondence of the medium field of the right lung. The cancer area is white in colour before the therapy.

lung cancer fig 1 – Before treatment

In my opinion, the development of the tumour mass, that is, of the mycotic colony, took place because of a morbid process that started in the liver.
The stages of the formation of the neoplasm have been: hepatic dysfunction, raising of the right side of the emidiaphraghm, pulmonary stasis and susceptibility to mycotic rooting.

The therapeutic treatment is based on two essential elements: liver detoxification simultaneously with administration of bicarbonate salts orally, through aerosol and intravenously.

After about eight months of bloodless and painless therapy, the mass completely disappears. Over one year after the end of the therapy, the x-rays show only a thickening of the inter-lobe separation, which is the result of healing.

The patient is still alive some 20 years after the therapy.

The x-rays of the cancer area after the therapy. As can be seen, only the white outline is left, which is the scar which indicates the elimination of the cancer.

lungs after sodium bicarbonate treatment Fig. 2 – After treatment


Declaration of the patient after about 20 years:

“I, the undersigned, G. S., born in … on …, a  resident of Rome in via …, declare what follows:

I made the acquaintance of Doctor Simoncini at the “Regina Elena” clinic in Rome, where he was a voluntary assistant and where, in 1983, I was supposed to be operated on for lung cancer.

As I decided not to undergo the operation, at the moment of my discharge from the hospital, the doctor told me that, if I wanted, I could attempt a therapy with his method. The therapy consisted of the administration of baking soda orally, via aerosol, and intravenously.

Doctor Simoncini only told me the therapy was available to try, because, according to him, I could hope in some positive result. He behaved very simply and humanely and I understood that he could really help me.

The results have been excellent, for today, after almost 20 years, I still have my lungs”.




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