
With your help, we aim to get the research and the clinical trials off the ground

The websites found on this domain and on have been created by and are kept up to date by volunteers. As everyone knows, keeping even one website up to date costs quite a bit of time and money.

Funds are also needed for the expenses of Dr. Simoncini, as he goes back and forth to America, Australia, and India, and other places in the future, to give lectures about his ‘candida infection theory’ as the primary cause of cancer.

Together, Dr. Simoncini and his volunteer co-workers, receive hundreds of e-mails and telephone calls from cancer patients every day, as well as from doctors, scientists and therapists who want to know more about this new theory and therapy.

Dr. Simoncini and his co-workers are now working on humanitarian grounds, not charging for their time and effort, because they feel how important it is. Sometimes they have even been able to arrange that patients who do not have the money to pay for treatments are treated without cost.

Our most important goal at the moment is to get “clinical trials” of treatment with sodium bicarbonate set up in order to prove its effectiveness. Because they need to meet scientific criteria, clinical trials are expensive and are normally only possible with the funding and help from the pharmaceutical industry and within the hospital environment.

However, with your help, we aim to get the research and the clinical trials off the ground now.  Many people have already personally experienced that this therapy is effective for cancer, now help us to prove it scientifically. Support us to take the next step: scientific research and proof… clinical trials. The medical world only reacts to this type of research. So many more lives could be saved! Please support our cause to conquer cancer with this relatively simple and effective type of treatment with a your donations! Lets give the people whose oncologists have no more to offer them another chance. We are so close by. Thank you.

Cancer – Fungus Organisation