received emails

some of the emails sent to dr Simoncini

THANK YOU DOCTOR! About the seventh day of the protocol I was able to urinate! I finished the total 6 weeks Wednesday, April 9th. I seem to be urinating well except the urine is somewhat cloudy. Before and even now. So I used a clear glass to see what it could be, and was able to see very small particles that were somewhat white and clear in color floating inside the urine. [ … ] I ran out of catheters but can get them in two days. Just so you know , it is definitely 500% better then it was and I respectfully appreciate what your system has accomplished , you are truly a gift from God…To my beloved wonderful Doctor Simoncini!! Sincerely yours,
T. C.

My friend got non-hodgekin’s lymphoma about 4 years ago. He went through the whole normal treatment and was pronounced “cured.” At his 2 year check up they found he was stage 4 again with cancer in his bones and a large tumor in his spleen.
He came to me for advice and I suggested a natural healing cancer protocol with juicing and herbs. He was unable to follow that program, though he tried. He subsequently found a program using baking soda and blackstrap molasses, 1 teaspoon of each 3x daily with variation according to pH tested also 3 times daily. He kept his pH as close to 9 as possible without ever reaching 9. He normally varied between 8.3 and 8.6.
It is useful to know that before he started the program he spoke with his oncologist who told him that she knew of two other cases that had cured themselves this way, one that had come to see her a month earlier. She told him she would be happy to monitor his progress and work with him as he tried this alternative. He was very faithful to the program and returned in a few months to get checked. He found that he was about 90% cancer free at that time. The large tumor in his spleen was completely gone. He has not returned to his oncologist for his next checkup yet, but he believes he is fully free of the cancer.
Dr. K. S. DC, MH, LMT – USA

Doctor Simoncini, You call for what I have been trying to do for the last 20 years: You state, “We need the help of those who work in the health sector and in politics as well as those people of integrity who are capable of seeing beyond simple and bleak conformity, and especially beyond the social and economic returns conformity brings, in order to unlock the current status quo which so painfully afflicts so many so intimately. You go on to say, “We need an effort of association, cooperation, and even spiritual complicity today that is capable of dismantling structures that are based and built on mistakes and lies.” I imagine myself giving classes and in-service education to workers and the public about truths such as the Candida’s cause of cancer. I imagine giving a grass roots face to face tour of information such as what you have to share. However, I am open to doing other work that may be needed. Is there a way to join with others? Where are those of like mind? Please let me know. I am passionate about this. 15 years ago it occurred to me that Sodium Bicarbonate was somehow directly involved with Cancer. As a nurse, I could explain much less than you have. Now, thanks to you, I can. I have energy and passion. I am the only survivor of a family who have all died of cancer. I have been working on finding answers for 41 years. I wish to help. I want to “unite and cooperate”. Thank you. I am so grateful for your purity of heart and your courage in bringing forth this gift to mankind.
S. B. RN – USA

Hello Dr. Simoncini, My girlfriend’s husband R. (47) was diagnosed with stage 4 colon and liver cancers last November. The tumor is inoperable and they estimate the size of it as the size of a grapefruit. They are unable (not sure how) to clearly see the tumor and it’s exact size. Upon diagnosis my sister-in-law had sent his wife your website for information on your methods of healing. I met a man Ed who followed your method and he survived being terminally ill with 11 different cancers. Unfortunately, the medical community did to R. what they do to most, scare the shit out of them stating that chemo is the only way. R. has undergone 5 chemo treatments which after the scan showed no signs of reduction, in fact more lesions have been seen on the liver. R. is a diabetic as well, which further complicates things. He has always taken pills for his diabetes but now the hospital is giving him injections. He is no longer strong enough to do his 6th chemo treatment and they have transferred him at the age of 47 into palliative care. R. however has stated that he is not willing to go just yet and is open to other avenues to save his life. We are obviously realistic and understand his chances are small but so was Ed’s and he survived.
M. L. – USA

Dear Dr Simoncini I find your treatment approach fascinating and have incorporated this in my treatment protocols with exciting results. I wish to be better acquainted and learn the finer aspects of this treatment. As I will be in Rome for a congress, I would be grateful if i could be given an opportunity to see first hand your treatment.
V. S. MD – Asia

I just wanted to comment that I heard about you earlier this year on Coast-to-Coast AM, and wrote down the baking soda paste treatment. I knew I’d have use for it eventually. I tried it on my cat (he had a large lump on his head. In two days, it was entirely gone. I never even took him to the vet, because I wanted to see if it would work first (knowing they’d likely want to do surgery and, horrifically, radiation and chemotherapy). Thank you so much for your research into this area.
N. S. – USA 

Es un privilegio escribirle, que aprovechare de agradecer su gran aporte cientifico a la medicina alternativa; pero el aporte que me conmueve , es que millones de personas pobres mueren por no tener recursos y conocimientos básicos para entender y adquirir sus conocimientos, que ha compartido con la humanidad.podrian ser sanados en forma económica, y eficiente. De mi parte soy de Chile, y mi interes es saber ,si traduciran a español su libro, asi podria ayudar gratuitamente a quienes lo necesiten, aunque entiendo ingles, no es exacto…..Deseo lo mejor para ud., y logre convencer a los incrédulos. Muchas gracias y reciba un abrazo y mis agradecimientos.
M. A. – Chili 

I’m suffering from skin psoriasis.
I’ve tried your iodine strategy on my elbow and as of this moment, the spots are gone, for which I am very thankful.
D. L. 

Lo felicito Doctor Simoncini, siga adelante que le ha proporcionado una salida a el sufrimiento causado por el cancer. No desmaye con sus investigaciones, a humanidad lo necesita!
R. L. – South America

Thank you so much for your quick and detailed response! I really appreciate the information you shared with me and am very glad to learn about you and your work. I am a new naturopathic doctor (graduated in June 2010) and have been feeling quite frustrated with the way that medicine is typically practiced.
Thanks again!!
S. M. – USA

How may I receive the formula, so I may be treated by something that works than the rat poison they give us in America. They are more interested in money than saving lives here in America.
R. H. – USA 

When I found you online, I was so overwhelmed, finally there was someone else on my wavelength. Someone else that understands everything. And someone else that might be able to help me get what I want in life as well. Dr Simoncini you are a blessing! If my dad was still alive, he’d be having this conversation with you in Italian.
Ms. B.  S. – UK

I am used to having this vaginal discharge since I was a teenager… I am 30 tomorrow and I’ve had it sonce 11 or 12 yrs old .. Its ok, I can live with the discharge it dont bother me anymore but but my main concern is that I have bad breath…. that does bother me and I cant live with that, I’ve done so much research and tried soooo many many products out in the market that I’ve given up. At some point I can across Candida and how it may be related and yesterday I came across your website. Bad breath has made me depressed, antisocial, I avoid people because they always block their nose and I am always sad about it.
M. F. – Asia