cat treated with sodium bicarbonate

A vitória da coragem

Dr. Tullio Simoncini, an Italian doctor, has been curing people with cancer all over the world. His theory emphasizes that cancer does not consist on a disorganized multiplication of cells, but a natural reaction of the body to infestation caused by the fungus Candica Albicans . Dr. Simoncini is the author of the book “Cancer is a Fungus”

cat treated  with sodium bicarbonateThe courage of Dr. Rubens Cascapera Jr. (a very respected doctor in Brazil), for divulging this conceptual innovation; my efforts to learn about the subject feeling that there could be a solution to save Kim, my cat, that was suffering from breast cancer and the courage of Dr. Ricardo Capuano

Dr. Ricardo Capuano is the veterinarian who started treating Kim, partially employing the protocol of Dr. Simoncini and the help of the spirits that Dr. Ricardo relies on, who have advised that the method is efficient, and the courage of Kim, willing to be alive, have made this experience very remarkable, during the months of March and beginning of April.

Kim had a breast tumor, with irregular format, 10cm wide, 9 cm long and 2,5 deep, and after 9 applications of fluid and diluted sodium bicarbonate, the tumor was reduced to 5 cm, 7cm and 1,5 cm respectively. It had a triangular form and its base was smaller than 2,5cm. The tumor on the left lung was stanched by inhaling sodium bicarbonate. For the tumor in the liver, 6 non-direct applications were performed in between organs.

There was a reduction in two of the lobes. Kim died, not as a consequence of cancer, but due to the compression of veins and arteries which irrigate the intestines, leading to spilling blood plasma and consequently causing a circulatory collapse. Otherwise, the treatment would have reached an improvement or cure…

The autopsy showed the truth and revealed the correct theory of Dr. Simoncini, concerning bicarbonate. Kim did not present any of the symptoms known for liver and lung cancer. The cat did not have any pain, vomit, short breath or spasms and came to death close to me.

Kim had already undergone four surgeries, since 2006. I decided to take my cat for a treatment with Dr. Ricardo because he is a spiritualist, homeopath and herbalist. The treatment started in March, with the employment of bicarbonate. Fungus lives in an acidified environment (pH below 7), and when the blood is acidified the immunologic system is at risk.
So, the perfect functioning of the organism establishes the possibility of restraining the infestation, forming the tumors around the fungi colony, in order to avoid its proliferation. If there is a possibility of making the site alkaline, the fungi die and the tumor is reduced.

Sodium bicarbonate makes the site alkaline and when injected into the blood stream, kills Candida Albicans. Although Dr. Ricardo, as a conscious doctor and researcher, considers as premature a total support to the theory of Dr. Simoncini, he prefers to inform that good results were obtained.
Besides that, they provided to Kim´s life a wonderful differential, favoring the renovation of ideas and concepts. Other animals will certainly be benefited by Kim´s experience, if their owners decide to accept a simple and different treatment, being aware that all the technological sophistication may have other interests too, besides curing.

story by: Cristina Sarraf
translation: Leila Axcar
source: – Brazil





Mammary tumors are very common in cats and dogs. There is a large range of histological types which attack dogs, but most of the tumors are benign. Around 50% of the mammary tumors are malignant. Referring to cats, around 80% of the tumors are malignant and highly aggressive. Among the most aggressive types of tumors, adenocarcinoma is one of the most common.

Adenocarcinoma is a type of cancer (malignant neoplasia) which is originated from a glandular tissue, in this case, the mammary gland. In general, adenocarcinomas are difficult to be removed surgically; they grow very fast and are very aggressive. Adenocarcinomas also cause metastasis in non-glandular tissues, constituting a type of cancer with unfavorable prognostic, independent from the site.

The histopathological classification of malignancy proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2005, based on the degree of cellular differentiation, classified this malignant neoplasia into three categories, considering degree III as the most malignant. This evaluation takes into consideration, the amount of altered cells and the severity of the alterations.

It was reported the attendance and follow-up of the feline animal, called Kim, 14 years old, 3,2 kg, with recurrent mammary adenocarcinoma, degree III. We have decided to treat the animal, by infiltrating shots around the tumor with sodium bicarbonate, adapting the animal to the proposed treatment by Dr. Tullio Simoncini, for humans. This type of treatment was selected, due to continuous recurrence, considering that the animal had undergone surgeries for tumor removal in another clinic, in 2006 and 2011, May 2012 and November 2012. From November 2012 to January 2013, there was a tumor growth, which started from 0 and reached 10cm length, 9cm width and 2cm height, in two months. Employing the above treatment, the tumor presented a reduction.

According to the evolution of the mammary tumor, it would be expected that in two following months (without treatment), it would reach 20cm x 18 cm. When working with living organisms, there are several variants which cannot be calculated, but anyway, in practically all the situations, a recurrent tumor, so aggressive as the type presented by the patient, should keep on growing.

In opposition to the normal sequence of the tumor development, it was observed that it stopped growing and reduced its size and its final measures were 5,5cm X 7,4cm X1,5 cm, respectively. There was a reduction of approximately 30% in the width, 25% in the length and thickness. The outcomes, even considering that the animal died, due to alterations caused by metastasis in the region of the intestines, the experiment was very important and additional studies are necessary.

Case report written by Veterinarian doctor Ricardo Luiz Capuano – Brazil